Thursday, 17 October 2013

Top 7 Small Business Obamacare Haters

With the release of the Obamacare in the month of October, it’s expected that number of small business owners will sign up for the health insurances. All the exchanges started to operate from the month of October 1, 2013, which is going to offer low cost insurance for individuals and small business owners.

However, Obamacare met with mixed reactions from the variety of small business owners in United States. Some satisfied with the rates and coverage while the dissatisfied ones plans to buy insurances privately.

So far, hundreds of companies who have opened their account in the state exchange. However, the processing of the policies will officially begin by January 1.

In places like New York, Minnesota and Vermont everywhere small business enrollments passed all expectations. In Maryland, it will not open until Jan 1, as for Washington exchange will exists in 39 counties. Even the states were exchange is not going to take place so soon are showing unexpected interest in Obamacare.

Now coming to the discussion for which I sat down to write the article. This fresh scheme has displeased a handful of small business owners, who still have their faith in buying private insurances.

Obamacare Haters

Robin Lunge, the state's director of health care reform says that in Vermont itself, they have received mixed reviews. A faction of people says that the rates are convincing, but other says premiums are too high. They will receive a better coverage, but in turn, the monthly cost will increase.

Indeed, a strong reason to reject the Obamacare by the small business owners, increase in cost is dear as the small entrepreneurs have less capital to invest. (Note: For earning good profits, paying a handsome share may not hurt businesses)

In California, the exchange surprised many a people like the doctors who have their own clinic. According to the new law, employers can get a tax credit if the average salary doctors pay is under $50,000. As for the doctors who pay, more than $50,000 will have no advantage without the additional tax credit. As going to an insurance company or to the exchange will be remaining the same.

As for some Obamacare Haters, plans are not proper and more dissatisfying. So many small businesses tend to stick to their previous plans rather than going for the state exchange.

Top 7 Obamacare Haters

Mc Donald’s

Nope, this time it’s hard for Peter Bensen to say, I’ m Just Lovin It! the chief financial officer of Mc Donald’s said on a conference call in 2012 that if his company switch for Obamacare then it will cost the company and their franchisees $140 million to $420 million. It is hard to embrace or love.

Whole Food

Gosh, a hard reaction from John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, he called Obamacare is like Fascism.  Well, he confessed that unlike his slogan "Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet" Obamacare is not providing a wholesome support to small business in the US with the new policy. The libertarian does not regret saying that to Huffington Post.

Papa John

A man with a positive note, John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John says that the Obamacare will hurt his company by $0.11 to $0.44 per pizza, but for the customers it is always a toast. No price increase in Pizzas, yet the employees will get the health insurances. “Better Ingredients, Better Pizza” – Hope not “Better Healthcare, Costlier Pizza.”

Cheesecake Factory

In December, their CEO, David Overton stated Obamacare will be costlyand most of the people have to either raise the price or lower the product quality. As for their Senior Vice President, Dina Barmasse-Gray, Obamacare will not have any material impact on them, as they tend to provide health insurances to employees who work 25 hours per week for long years. Will it remain “Something for everyone”???


Unsuccessful lobbying by Boeing, it mainly attacked the cost. Obamacare will improve the coverage, quality and in the end will manage the health insurance costs. As for their spokesperson Joseph Tedino, Obamacare will affect their business in a negative way in the future.

CKE (Hardees Owner)

Last year Bloomberg Businessweek noted that the owner of Hardees, Andrew Puzder would start to sell cheaper meats and hire more part-time workers. To curb the cost increase he will grow few restaurants. Hope the customers do not say "Hardee's. Do Not Come on Home “instead of “Hardee’s. Come on Home” after they will get cheap meat packages.

Jimmy John

CEO, Jimmy John Liautaud said to Fox News last year that he is going to slash the work hours of his workers in order to provide them with health insurances under Obamacare. They are soon going to make the work hours 28 hours per week, as it is becoming harder for their business to survive in the US market. Hope not the reduction in work hours and savings of insurance cost will turn the slogan to “freaky slow delivery” from “freaky fast delivery.”

Which small business will be the next on this list? Obamacare, one reason for many issues - What do you say readers?

Author's Bio: Moumita Dasgupta, a financial blogger and the owner of bizandfiz, shares her knowledge and expertise of various financial topics. A clear view on market, business, Forex, funds, personal finances etc. are the subjects she perfectly underlines through her articles.  Find Moumita on Google+


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