Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Direct Email Vs Direct Mail: Who’s The Most Powerful?

As my readers are both business owners and individuals who prefer to keep a firsthand knowledge on markets and personal finances. So I keep them imparting various knowledge on financial topics. Today I am going to share views on different marketing modes.

Marketing is one of the common aspects that the business owners irrespective of their size have to adopt if they want to expand their business beyond the boundaries. We have various techniques but the popular two – email and direct mail marketing will be discussed here.

Email Marketing – Almost every business owner, whether big or small prefers to use it in order to connect his or her potential customers. You are using it daily, to leverage your business.

Direct Mail Marketing –This is the traditional form of marketing allows businesses to communicate directly with his or her customers. The process is two-way mode and often costlier.

Now the question comes which one is more effective email marketing or direct mail marketing. Let us find the basic points of difference between these two modes of marketing!


Direct email marketing enables the one-to-one communication with customers and possible prospects. HTML email newsletter with best graphics can fetch you better conversion rates. Group Mail or hosted ASP services to get some quality returns. Use of an opt-in manager helps to get the necessary information from your subscribers and store them in your database. (Group Mail is a form of email marketing mode that is able to create unlimited lists with unlimited recipients for each and makes list segmentation.) Therefore, this way you can send different emails to your prospects, clients, partners or any other group of companies.

Direct mail marketing if compared in reference to cost is more expensive as you have to spend money on the printing of handbills, delivery, TV or print advertising, banners etc. It is also time consuming,and the response ratio is much lower than the usual email marketing.


This is the second advantage that direct email marketing has over direct mail marketing. Practically, you are able to find a better email marketing campaign and can get detailed statistics about how many people have opened the emails, what is the click-through rate, which articles received the most popularity or ads that gain popularity in your email newsletter.

Talking of traditional marketing, do you know how many people have seen the last TV commercial, which you have telecasted? No! Well, how many listened to your radio commercial? No! Is it all the same? You have some techniques like “people meters” regarding the popularity of a program in which your ad was shown, but it was not that accurate, like the email marketing.

In this case, you need to pay some of the marketing agencies, which will enable the research. Another option you can include is the phone number or the particular website in your offline sales campaign. However, this even won’t let you know how many people have exactly seen or liked your ads.


You have the advantage of getting proper feedback through the email marketing. You have products like Polls Daddy, which enable you to have access over easily created polls and get proper feedback from the visitors and possible prospects. They will also look for your preference, like whether you want to use email, newsletter or website.

If you are able to use polls in your marketing campaign then you will get a proper feedback about the company and the products in a fast and inexpensive way.

How about getting feedbacks from traditional survey methods, is it possible? Depending on the size of your survey, you have to hire people; they have to make the survey analysis. Moreover, if we look carefully, it is going to cost a lot and the feedback will be received much later than the email marketing. In direct mail marketing, the customers won’t be ready to communicate with you or the response rate will be lower. It is not possible to communicate with each customer in a face-to-face meet.

Who Wins The Battle? – Email marketing! Just for better performance rate, tracking process, better conversions, feedbacks and cost saving schemes email marketing rules the present market arena.

Most common and viable three reasons shared here through this post. If you have other reasons, please share them here at blog.

Author Bio : Moumita Dasgupta, a financial blogger and the owner of bizandfiz, shares her knowledge and expertise of various financial topics. A clear view on market, business, Forex, funds, personal finances etc. are the subjects she perfectly underlines through her articles.  Find Moumita on Google+


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